Full Council 2021-2022

Student Body President

Koray Gates - k_gates@v-lanterna.com

 Koray Gates

Major: Political Science

Fun Fact: I'm a Canadian dual citizen!


Internal Affairs Committee

Gina Jeong (Vice President of Internal Affairs) - 

 Gina Jeong

Major: Political Science

Fun Fact: I love watching cooking videos and cooking!

Surakchya Risal (ADEI Lead)

Surakchya Risal

Sophia Murphy (Sophomore Representative)

 Sophia Murphy

Major: Psychology

Fun Fact: I love doing sudoku!

Hunter Lau (Freshman Representative)

 Hunter Lau

Major: Organismal Biology and Ecology

Fun Fact: I attended 7 proms in high school!

Emily Marshall (Freshman Representative)

Emily Marshall

Major: Business, Economics, and Society

Fun Fact: I'm ranked 19th in the U.S. for left-handed arm wrestling!


Student Life Committee

Julia Watson (Vice President of Student Life)

Julia Watson

Major: International Political Economy & Romance Languages

Fun Fact: In middle school, I learned how to ride a unicycle because I thought that I was going to join the circus! (This is not my only circus-related talent)

Amira Graoui (ADEI Lead)


Major: Neuroscience

Fun Fact: I'm Moroccan and can speak Arabic!

Hunter Burge (Senior Representative)

 Hunter Hurge

Major: Political Science

Fun Fact: I am a triplet!

Rachel Phillips (Junior Representative)

Shanti Harrison (Freshman Representative) 

 Shanti Harrison

Major: Undecided

Fun Fact: I have been practicing kung fu for 12 years!


Outreach Committee

Royce Hinojosa (Vice President of Outreach)

Royce Hinojosa

Major: Economics & Philosophy

Fun Fact: My least favorite season is spring... I really hate mud and slush and wind

Oziel Cime (ADEI Lead)

Oziel Cime

Ryan Wyly (Senior Representative)


Liam Pentangelo (Sophomore Representative)


Major: Organismal Biology and Ecology

Fun Fact: I have seen over 1,000 species of bird!

Saw Sow (Freshman Representative) 

Saw Sow

Major: Undecided

Fun Fact: I like to travel to new places!


Finance Committee

Reign La France (Vice President)

 Reign La France

Major: Business, Economics, and Society

Fun Fact: I got stung by a bee in the mouth on a block break trip

Jess Duran (ADEI Lead)

Jess Duran

Major: Film and Media Studies

Fun Fact: My family invented a kind of burrito!

Sonia Guliak (Finance Representative)


Uma Ghimire (Finance Representative)


Major: Mathematical Economics

Fun Fact: Nepali was my first language!

Posy Vogt (Finance Representative)


Major: The Ethical Political Economy

Fun Fact: I have a pet hamster named Amy Klobuchar!


Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Rakim Johnson (Vice President of ADEI)

Rakim Johnson

Surakchya Risal (ADEI Lead)

Surakchya Risal

Major: Mathematical Economics

Fun Fact: I am an avid horse enthusiast.

Amira Graoui (ADEI Lead)


Major: Neuroscience

Fun Fact: I'm Moroccan and can speak Arabic!

Jess Duran (ADEI Lead)


Major: Film and Media Studies

Fun Fact: My family invented a kind of burrito!

Oziel Cime (ADEI Lead)

Oziel Cime



Chris Lee (Parliamentarian)

Edwin Hamada (Associate VP for Student Life)

Fun Fact: I was born left-handed and converted to a righty because my kindergarten teacher didn't know how to show me how to write left-handed!

Andrew Beck (Director of Campus Activities)

Erika Perry-Tuitel (Assistant Director of Campus Activities)


Report an issue - Last updated: 11/05/2024